Adopted by the Judges of the Eleventh Judicial District of Kansas on January 18, 2001.
Effective February 1, 2001. Reviewed and revised October 25, 2019.
Rule No.
1 [Deleted]
2 Assignment of Cases
3 Clerks Office Hours
4 Records, Files and Exhibits
5 Disposal of Subpoenaed Business Records
6 Jury Questionnaires
7 Funds Held By Clerks
8 Preparation of Papers
9 Probable Cause Hearings During Non-Business Hours
10 Assigned Files; Judge Sitting in a Different County
11 Security of Court Facilities
12 Media Coordinator
13 Public Records Search Requests
14 Process Servers
15 Mandatory Parenting in Divorce Class Attendance
16 Domestic Relations Mediation
17 Mediated Agreements; Changes
18 Parenting Time and Contact Guidelines
19 Expedited Judicial Process
20 Costs and Assignments in Domestic Relations Cases
21 Dismissal of Protection from Abuse and Protection from Stalking Actions
22 Dissemination of Custody Investigation Reports
23 Necessary Parties in Child Support & Paternity Actions
24 Poverty Affidavits and Filing for Extensions Out of Time
25 Discovery
26 Scheduling Conference
27 Pretrial Non-Domestic Cases
28 Interviewing Experts
29 Void Dire Examination
30 Pleading Judgment Amounts and Interest
31 Medical Malpractice Screening Panels
32 Small Claims
33 Recovery of Attorney Fees in Bad Check Cases
34 Chapter 61 Appearances
35 Uniform Procedure for Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution
36. Motions to Suppress
37. Speedy Trial
38. Self-Defense Immunity
39. Pretrial Conference and Proposed Jury Instructions
40. Intermediate Probation Violation Sanctions and Surveillance
41. Termination, Extension or Modification of Probation-Procedure
42. Bail and Appearance Bonds
M. JENNIFER BRUNETTI, Division 1, Crawford County Courthouse, 111 East
Forest St., Kansas 66743; (620) 724-6213; Fax (620) 724-4987
OLIVER KENT LYNCH, Chief Judge, Division 2, Cherokee County Courthouse, 100
West Maple Street, P. O. Box 189, Columbus, Kansas 66725-0189; (620) 429-9547;
Fax (620) 429-1130.
FRED W. JOHNSON, Division 3, Labette County Judicial Center, 201 South Central
Street, Parsons, Kansas 67357; (620) 421-1410; Fax (620) 421-3633.
LORI A. BOLTON FLEMING, Division 4, Crawford County Judicial Center, 602
North Locust, Pittsburg, Kansas 66762; (620) 231-3570; Fax (620) 231-0584.
KURTIS I. LOY, Division 5, Crawford County Judicial Center, 602 North Locust,
Pittsburg, Kansas 66762; (620) 231-3570; Fax (620) 231-0584.
JEFFRY L. JACK, Division 6, Labette County Judicial Center, 201 South Central
Street, Parsons, Kansas 67357; (620) 421-3216; Fax (620) 421-3633.
SAMUEL J. MARSH, District Magistrate Judge, Cherokee County Courthouse, 100
West Maple Street, P. O. Box 189, Columbus, Kansas 66725; (620) 429-3877;
Fax (620) 429-1130
MAC YOUNG, Crawford County Judicial Center, 602 North Locust, Pittsburg, Kansas
66762; (620) 232-2460; Fax (620) 232-5646
The following rules have been adopted by the Judges of the Eleventh Judicial District
of Kansas pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 105. The Eleventh Judicial District is
composed of Cherokee, Crawford and Labette counties. Copies are on file in the office
of each Clerk of the District Court in this district.
The requirements imposed by these rules upon "counsel" or "attorney" apply equally
to parties appearing without counsel.
Any rule shall be subject to such modification as the presiding judge may deem
appropriate and necessary to meet emergencies or to avoid injustice or undue hardship.
These rules may be amended by the judges of this judicial district. These rules and
any amendments thereto shall be effective upon filing with the Clerk of the Supreme
Court of Kansas pursuant to Supreme Court Rule No. 105.
Assignment of Cases.
1. Generally. Assignment of cases shall be as the judges in this district shall
2. Percentage Assignment Selection Process. When assignments are to be made
on a percentage basis, the Clerk shall establish a system that will provide for
the random selection of a judges on the appropriate percentage basis. The
selection and assignment shall not be made until after the case is filed.
3. Refiled Cases. Any case dismissed and refiled shall be assigned to the same
judge to whom it was previously assigned.
4. Assignment of Consolidated Cases. Companion cases shall be assigned to the
judge having the case with the lowest number.
5. Unavailability of Judge. When a judge is unavailable, any case assigned to that
judge may be tried and any pending motion heard by any other available judge
in this district on the consent and agreement of the available judge. Ex parte
orders and agreed orders may be similarly granted when an assigned judge is
6. Reassignment. When any judge has occasion to ask that a case or cases be
reassigned, such reassignment shall be:
a. First, by consultation and agreement between the judges who sit in the same
b. by the method of random assignment set forth in paragraph 2 above;
c. by agreement between the assigned judge and any other judge in the
district; or
d. by the Chief Judge.
Clerks Office Hours. As a general rule the District Court Clerk's Offices shall be open
to the general public from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each working day. The Chief Judge
and/or the Court Administrator may, however, authorize the closing of any Clerk's Office
to accommodate emergencies, weather conditions, courthouse closings, personnel issues
or to complete accumulated filing, docketing and accounting records.
Records, Files and Exhibits. All files checked out to court officers, abstractors or
members of the bar pursuant to Supreme Court Rule 106 shall be returned within five (5)
days unless an earlier return is requested or a longer period is permitted by order of the
Disposal of Subpoenaed Business Records. When records are subpoenaed into the
Clerk’s Office pursuant to K.S.A. 60-245a, records not introduced into the record or
made part of the record will be disposed of upon termination of the case. If return of the
records has not been requested by the record custodian, the Clerk will destroy said
records, or they may be released to counsel of record with the written consent of the
record custodian.
Jury Questionnaires. Jury questionnaires shall be confidential. Jury questionnaires will
be available to counsel prior to trial dates. Copies may be checked out but are to be
returned to the court at the conclusion of the trial. Neither counsel nor the parties shall
make any copies of juror questionnaires and all information contained therein shall
remain confidential. All questionnaires, including copies, must be immediately returned
to the Clerk upon a panel being sworn in or once a trial has been settled and called off.
Funds Held By Clerks. A Judge of the District Court may order moneys that are
deposited with a Clerk of the District Court pending final determination of an action filed
in this district, be deposited in an interest-bearing account in any federally insured
financial institution in this district. When the action has been resolved by settlement or
judicial determination, said funds shall be paid out only upon order of the court providing
for distribution, division or apportionment thereof and of any interest accumulated
thereon. Unless otherwise ordered, interest shall be payable to the person found to be the
owner of the principal fund deposited, or if more than one owner, proportionately on the
basis of the division of the principal amount.
Preparation of Papers. Except as otherwise specifically directed by statute, attorneys
appearing in this district shall be required to complete all summons, garnishment orders,
and subpoenas. Blank forms will be provided by the Clerks on request. Foreign service
process papers shall be accompanied by a check in the appropriate amount payable for
the fees and charges of the foreign process server. Subpoenas shall be accompanied by a
check for the statutory witness and mileage fees.
Probable Cause Hearings During Non-Business Hours. A probable cause hearing
shall, when applicable, be held in person, by telephone or facsimile with any judge in this
district during non-business hours from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., as to any person being
held and entitled to such hearing within 48 hours of arrest, by contacting the judge at his
Assigned Files; Judge in a Different County. Case files shall be maintained and
remain in the Office of the Clerk of the District Court where the case is filed. After
assignment, it will be counsel's responsibility to direct a bench copy of every item filed in
the case to the assigned judge so that he can be advised of the progress of the case. All
bench copies and correspondence concerning the case shall be directed to the assigned
judge at the assigned judge's address.
Security of Court Facilities. Anyone or anything entering a county courthouse or
judicial center within this Judicial District shall be subject to search. No person, other
than a law enforcement officer or other person or official as authorized and described in
K.S.A. 21-6309, shall possess a firearm while on courthouse or judicial center grounds in
this Judicial District. Conspicuously placed signs clearly stating this policy shall be
placed in the courthouses and judicial centers in this district.
Media Coordinator. The Court Administrator is designated as Media Coordinator for
purposes of working with the Chief Judge, the trial judge and the media in implementing
Kansas Supreme Court Rule No. 1001 with respect to electronic and photographic media
coverage of judicial proceedings in this district.
Public Records Search Requests.
1. Purpose. The purpose and goal of this rule is to guide the access of public records
under control of the courts in this district, to protect court records from damage
and disorganization, to prevent excessive disruption of court functions, to provide
guidelines for requesting and obtaining information and to ensure effective and
timely action in response to requests for inspection of public records. [K.S.A. 45-
215 et seq., K.S.A. 28-170, Kansas Supreme Court Administrative Order No.
2. Public Information Officer. The Eleventh Judicial District Court Administrator
shall be the Public Information Officer for this judicial district.
3. Hours of Inspection. Public records shall be open for inspection during the time
the District Clerks Offices are open to the general public.
4. Access to Records. Inspection requests should be made in writing on a form to be
provided by the Clerk. The use of the form is encouraged but not mandatory in
all circumstances. The Clerks of the District Courts in this district have
designated all Trial Court Clerks as additional persons to be custodians of the
records for the purposes of the Open Records Act.
5. Fees. The fee to be paid for a copy of any record shall be 25¢ per page and
$1.00 per certification. An access fee of $12.00 per hour may be assessed for
employee time when concentrated attention of a custodian of the records is
required. Payment in advance of the custodians estimated fees may be required.
6. Clerks Authority. No district court employee may conduct a search that requires
the making of a legal judgment or determination.
7. Criminal Records. Requests for criminal record searches for employment, credit
or the like shall be referred to the executive branch agency most likely to have
centralized reference files, e.g., the Kansas Bureau of Investigation or the
Division of Vehicles.
8. Confidential Records. Certain court records are confidential and are exempted
from public examination and disclosure under the Kansas Open Records Act. The
disclosure of these records is specifically prohibited or restricted by federal law,
state law or by Kansas Supreme Court Rule. Confidential records include, but are
not limited, to the following:
Description of Confidential Record
Portions of a criminal presentence investigation report
K.S.A. 21-6813(c)
Expunged criminal records including diversion agreements
K.S.A. 21-6614
Juvenile offender records and certain other juvenile records
K.S.A. 38-2310
Affidavits or sworn testimony in support of the issuance of a
search warrant or summons
K.S.A. 22-2302
K.S.A. 22-2502
Unserved arrest warrants in criminal cases
K.S.A. 21-5906
Non-moving traffic violations
K.S.A. 8-1560d
Grand jury proceedings
K.S.A. 22-3012
Adoption records
K.S.A. 59-2122
Certain employee personnel records
K.S.A. 45-221(a)(4)
All medical records regarding an identifiable patient (HIPAA)
K.S.A. 45-221(a)(3)
Process Servers. Process Servers appointed under the provisions of K.S.A. 60-303 and
K.S.A. 61-3003 shall be appointed for no more than a period of one year, expiring on
December 31 of each year for which appointed.
The appointment of a Process Server shall be limited and so state in the Order of
Appointment that it is for the purpose of serving process under K.S.A., 60-303 and
K.S.A. 61-3003 without authority to serve Writs of Execution, Orders of Attachment,
Replevin Orders, Orders for Delivery, Writs of Restitution, and Writs of Assistance. The
appointment may be made by any District Judge in this district.
All Process Servers shall comply with the General Guidelines for Process Servers
issued by the Court, following or attached hereto, and on file in the office of the Clerk of
the Court in each County in this district.
The person being appointed as a Process Server shall state in an application, under
oath, that he or she has no felony or misdemeanor convictions, or list such convictions.
Accompanying the Application for Appointment of Process Server shall be an affidavit
by an attorney duly authorized to practice law in the State of Kansas, which attests to the
good reputation of the person applying for appointment.
Eleventh Judicial District
1. Professionalism. Appointees of the Eleventh Judicial District for the service of
process are expected to act in a professional manner during the execution of their
assigned duties.
2. Use of Force. The use of force by process servers will not be authorized in this
3. A process server is expected to know the legal rights of party litigants and the
rights of third persons.
4. No process server shall utilize any weapon, including a firearm, in the conduct of
his or her duty except for legal self-defense.
5. The appointment by the Court of a person as a process server does not impart to
them any authority to arrest.
These general guidelines do not grant any rights to process servers unless
otherwise provided by law.
Mandatory Parenting in Divorce Class Attendance. The parents of minor children
who are parties to an action for divorce, annulment, separate maintenance, paternity, or
otherwise, that in any manner pertains to custody or parenting time with minor children,
shall attend and complete an education seminar, certified by the Chief Judge, concerning
the emotional and psychological effect of the termination of marriages on children and/or
the effect of custody and parenting time issues on their children. This rule also apples to
parents involved in post-decree motions for modification of custody and/or parenting
time who have not previously taken the class.
Both parents prior to trial or final hearing must complete the seminar, unless
attendance is excused or deferred by the presiding judge for good cause shown.
Domestic Relations Mediation. Unless waived by the presiding judge, any contested
child custody, residency or parenting time issue shall be submitted to mediation by a
neutral mediator before being scheduled for a final evidentiary hearing. This rule applies
to all such actions, including those filed under the Kansas Parentage Act and may be
required in Protection From Abuse actions..
Counsel shall submit a proposed order for mediation to the court, approved by one or
both counsel, substantially in the form set out below. The order shall contain the names,
addresses and telephone numbers of the parties. No hearing regarding disputed custody,
residency or parenting time issues shall be scheduled until the mediation process has been
The order shall provide, and counsel submitting and approving the order shall be
deemed to have certified, that the parties and their counsel have engaged in substantial
good faith efforts to amicably settle the issues concerning custody, residency and/or
parenting time, and that further progress is impossible without the intervention of an
independent mediator.
The mediator shall report the results of mediation to the court and to the attorneys for
the parties. If agreement is reached, the proposed agreement shall be submitted to
counsel for the parties for execution by the parties. Any agreement shall provide for a
procedure by which disputes between the parents may be resolved without court
intervention. Counsel shall, within ten days thereafter, submit to the court a proposed
order approving the agreement.
Now on this ___ day of _______, 20__, the undersigned parties and/or
counsel, having certified by signature hereto, that the parties and their counsel have
engaged in substantial good faith efforts to amicably settle the issues concerning
custody, residency and/or parenting time, and that further progress is impossible
without the intervention of an independent mediator, IT IS ORDERED:
1. The above-named parties shall participate in mediation by a neutral mediator, as
defined by K.S.A. 23-3501, of the disputed issues of child custody, residency and
parenting time. Unless otherwise ordered, the costs of mediation shall be shared
equally by the parties.
2. ____________________________________ shall serve as mediator in this
case by
____ agreement of the parties ____ by order of the presiding judge.
3. Counsel shall promptly provide a copy of this Order to the mediator.
4. The parties shall arrange directly with the mediator for mediation.
5. The results of mediation shall be reported to court and to counsel by the
mediator. If agreement is reached, the agreement shall be promptly reduced to
writing and signed by the parties. Counsel shall submit, within ten days
thereafter, a proposed order approving the agreement.
6. The addresses and telephone numbers of the parties are:
Petitioner: _________________________________________________________
Respondent: _______________________________________________________
7. No hearing regarding these issues shall be scheduled until the mediation process
is complete.
Judge of the District Court
Attorney for Petitioner: __________________________________
Attorney for Respondent: __________________________________
Mediated Agreements; Changes. Changes in a parenting plan may be made by
agreement of the parents without prior approval of the mediator. In the event that
communications break down and the parents find they are unable to work through their
problems, they will actively seek assistance and negotiation through mediation before any
court action is initiated.
Parenting Time and Contact Guidelines. The following is a sample parenting time and
contact schedule that the judges in this district will normally consider minimally
consistent with the best interests of the child(ren) under a joint legal custody and
parenting time order.
1. Alternate Weekends: Parent B to have alternate weekend parenting time
beginning at 6:00 p.m. on Friday until 7:00 p.m. on Sunday.
2. Evening Physical Custody. Parent B to have one weekday evening per week
which, if feasible, should be overnight.
3. Easter Weekend. Parenting time with parent B from 6:00 p.m. Friday until 7:00
p.m. Sunday during even numbered years and with parent A during odd numbered
4. Spring Break. Parenting time with each parent during one half of the spring
break, with a transfer to occur on Wednesday evening at 7:00 p.m. The parent
normally having the child during the first weekend of spring break shall continue
to have the child until the Wednesday transfer.
5. Mother’s Day. From 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. with the child’s mother.
6. Memorial Day. From 6:00 p.m. Friday until 7:00 p.m. Monday with Parent A in
even numbered years and parent B during odd numbered years.
7. Father’s Day. From 9:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. with the child’s father.
8. Independence Day. From 6:00 p.m. July 3 until 9:00 p.m. on July 5 with parent A
during even numbered years and parent B during odd numbered years.
9. Labor Day. From 6:00 p.m. Friday until 7:00 p.m. Monday with parent B during
even numbered years and parent A during odd numbered years.
10. Halloween. A minimum of three hours Halloween evening with parent A in even
numbered years and with parent B during odd numbered years.
11. Thanksgiving. From 7:00 p.m. Wednesday until 7:00 p.m. Thursday with parent
B during even numbered years and parent A during odd numbered years.
12. Christmas Eve. From 7:00 p.m. the day school is dismissed for Christmas
vacation until 10:00 p.m. Christmas Eve, December 24, with parent B during even
numbered years and parent A during odd numbered years.
13. Christmas Period. From 7:00 p.m. December 24 until 7:00 p.m. December 30
with parent A during even numbered years and parent B during odd numbered
14. New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day. From 7:00 p.m. December 30 until 7:00
p.m. on the evening before school resumes with parent B in even numbered years
and parent A in odd numbered years.
15. Parent’s Birthday. The child shall spend part of the day (a minimum of three
hours) with the respective parent on that parent’s birthday.
16. Child’s Birthday. The child shall spend the child’s birthday with parent B in even
numbered years and with parent A in even numbered years. The child shall spend
the day before or the day after the child’s birthday with the other parent.
17. Vacation. After 30 days advance notice and consultation with the other parent,
each parent may arrange to take a vacation trip with the child for a period not
exceeding 14 days.
18. Conflicts and Good-faith Considerations:
a. Birthday Holiday. Conflicts between a holiday and a birthday shall be
resolved in favor of the holiday schedule. However, the parties are directed to
be flexible in allowing the birthday to be celebrated before or after the holiday
b. Weekend - Holiday. Conflicts between weekends and holidays shall be
resolved in favor of the holiday schedule.
c. Weekend. The schedule of weekend parenting time shall be determined
without regard to whether the regular schedule has been preempted from time
to time by one of the scheduled holidays. There shall be not adjustment for
“missed” weekends due to interruption by the holiday visitation schedule,
however, the parties are encouraged to compensate for missed parenting time
so a non-residential parent will not go three weekends without seeing the
d. Adjustments. It is expected that parents will exercise good faith with each
other and act in the best interests of their child(ren) so that each parent can
have a full and active participation in the lives of their child(ren). Any
parenting plan or schedule, for example, should take into consideration the
age of the child. For infants and preschool children, consideration should be
given to scheduling more frequent but shorter contacts with parent B during
the week on a routine and consistent basis. Consideration should also be given
to older adolescents whose personal schedules may interfere with these
19. Telephone and Internet Communication. Telephone calls and Internet
communication between parent and child should be liberally permitted at
reasonable hours and at the expense of the calling parent. Weekly telephone
communication with the child should be permitted.
20. Mail and e-mail Contact. Parents and children should have an unrestricted
right to send cards, letters, packages, audio, video and e-mail communications
to each other. Neither parent should interfere with this right.
21. Long Distance Parenting. When there is a significant geographical distance
separating the two parents, parenting plans should provide for the following:
a. Weekly telephone contact.
b. Longer periods of parenting time during school holidays.
c. Extended summer residency for school age children.
d. The parent having residency where the child goes to school shall send school
records, school calendars, school photographs, activities schedules, report
cards, standardized test results, etc. on a frequent basis to the other parent.
Expedited Judicial Process. All judges in this district will be available to preside at
summary proceedings relating to the establishment, modification, or enforcement of child
support, parenting time and visitation per the mandate of Kansas Supreme Court Rule
All judges in this district shall be available, on request of the Chief Judge, any Clerk
of the Court, counsel or party pro se, to assist with, handle and expedite judicial process
of petitions filed pursuant to K.S.A. 65-6705, in conformity with Kansas Supreme Court
Rule 173. If such proceedings arise after hours, the attorney or party may follow the
procedure set out in the probable cause rule herein provided.
Costs and Assignments in Domestic Relations Cases.
1. Costs in Prior Actions. No case for divorce, annulment or separate maintenance
shall be filed where there is a record in the Clerk’s Office of a prior case between
the same parties which is undisposed of unless the court costs have been paid, or
unless the court shall otherwise order for good cause shown. In any event the
unpaid costs in such prior case shall be assessed as costs in the new case and the
court shall make an order for the payment of costs.
2. Prior Divorce Actions Between Parties. If the parties have previously filed a
divorce action in this judicial district, the case shall be assigned to the same judge
to that the previous case was assigned.
3. Assignment of Divorce and Protection From Abuse Cases. When a protection
from abuse action is filed, and there is a prior filing of a divorce action between
the same parties, the protection from abuse action shall be assigned to the judge
that the divorce action was assigned. Conversely, when a divorce action is filed
subsequent to a protection from abuse action, the divorce action shall be assigned
to the judge that the protection from abuse action is assigned.
4. Assignment CINC Cases. Pending divorce, protection from abuse and child in
need of care cases that involve the same children should be assigned to the judge
before whom the CINC case is pending or to the district judge having general
Dismissal of Protection from Abuse and Protection from Stalking Actions. If the
plaintiff in a protection from abuse or stalking action fails to appear at the scheduled
hearing for final orders, the case shall be dismissed without further notice to either party
unless the defendant appears and consents to entry of an order.
Dissemination of Custody Investigation Reports.
1. Application. This rule applies to cases where the court directs that a written
report be prepared by an investigator relating to child custody issues.
2. Investigator. The term “investigator” includes anyone whom the court directs to
make an investigation or evaluation, including court service officers, mental
health counselors, professionals, and guardian ad litems.
3. Dissemination and Copies of Reports. The investigator shall provide a copy of
the report to the attorney of record for each party and a copy shall be provided to
the judge. Attorneys may discuss the contents of the report with their clients, but
shall not give a copy of the report to their clients and shall not permit their clients
to read, copy or make notes from these reports. If a party is not represented by an
attorney of record, the report shall be made available for review by the pro se
litigant, but no copy of the report shall be given to unrepresented parties. The
review of the report by a pro se litigant shall be subject to such conditions as the
court shall determine. If a pro se litigant is allowed to read the report, then the
represented litigant shall be allowed the same privilege.
4. Exceptions. Exceptions to this policy shall be granted only upon a showing of
necessity after a written motion and hearing. A copy of the motion and notice of
hearing shall be served upon the investigator who prepared the report, who shall
be allowed to advise the court regarding the investigator’s recommendations as to
the risks of providing a written copy of the report.
5. Notice. The following notice shall be included as part of any order for child
custody investigation or report.
IT IS BY THE COURT ORDERED that the attorneys of record may discuss the
contents of the report with their clients but shall not give a copy of the report to
their clients and shall not permit the clients to read or make notes from the report.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that a party not represented by counsel shall be
allowed to review the report, but shall not be provided with a copy of such report.
The court may set further conditions upon the review of the report by a party not
represented by counsel.
IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that failure to comply with the terms of this order,
by either attorney or a party, may be punishable by such sanctions for contempt as
the court may determine.
Necessary Parties in Child Support and Paternity Actions. In any action brought for
the purpose of establishing or enforcing child support and/or for reimbursement of birth,
medical, support, and education expenses of a child, both parents shall be joined as
parties to the action if they are subject to service of process in this state. In the absence
of good cause shown, custody and parenting time issues shall be addressed and resolved
in the same proceeding.
Poverty Affidavits. A poverty affidavit submitted pursuant to K.S.A. 60-2001, or any
other applicable chapter, shall include, or be accompanied by, an affirmation that no
attorney fee has been paid and that none will be paid until such time as all docketing fees,
including surcharges, have been fully paid.
Filing for Extensions Out of Time. An extension of time may be granted pursuant to
Supreme Court Rule No. 113 or by the court ex parte as the interests of justice may
demand. However, no ex parte permission shall be granted to file any pleading out of
time. Anyone aggrieved by such an extension shall be entitled to a hearing upon three
days’ notice.
1. Time for Giving Notice of Depositions. “Reasonable time” within which notice
must be given before taking of a deposition under K.S.A. 60-230(a) shall be five
days. For good cause shown, the court may enlarge or shorten such time.
K.S.A. 60- 206 shall govern the computation of time.
2. Motion for Protective Order. The filing of a motion for protective order pursuant
to K.S.A. 60-226 or 60-230 shall stay the discovery at which the motion is
directed pending order of the court. The filing of a motion to quash or modify a
deposition subpoena pursuant to K.S.A. 60-245 shall stay the deposition at which
the motion is directed. No properly noticed deposition shall be automatically
stayed under this rule unless the motion directed at it shall have been filed and
served upon counsel for the parties by delivering a copy within ten days after
service of the deposition notice, and at least 48 hours prior to the noticed time of
the deposition. Pending resolution of any motion which stays a deposition under
this rule, neither the objecting party, witness, or any attorney shall be required to
appear at the deposition to which the motion is directed until the motion has been
ruled upon or otherwise resolved.
3. Motions for Order Compelling Discovery.
a. Except as otherwise ordered, the court will not entertain any motion under
K.S.A. 60-237, unless counsel for the moving party has conferred with or
has made reasonable effort to confer with opposing counsel concerning the
matter in dispute prior to the filing of the motion. The moving party shall
certify as to the efforts of the parties to resolve discovery or disclosure
disputes and shall describe the steps taken by all counsel to resolve the issue
in dispute.
b. Motions under K.S.A. 60-226 or 60-237 directed at interrogatories, requests
for production, or requests for admissions and the responses thereto, shall be
accompanied by copies of the portions of the interrogatories, requests or
responses in dispute.
Scheduling Conference. The court may set a scheduling conference on its own or on
request of any party. Unless otherwise directed by the court, counsel may appear at the
scheduling conference by conference call. The parties shall agree in advance as to who is
responsible for initiating the call. Matters for discussion and scheduling at the discovery
conference are time limits for discovery, for listing of expert witnesses and furnishing
reports or interrogatory responses, for amendments to pleadings, for dispositive motions,
for listing of witnesses and exhibits, for hearing of motions, to schedule the case for
pretrial conference and to discuss such other appropriate matters as counsel or the court
may wish.
Pretrial Non-Domestic Cases.
1. Agreed Pretrial Order. Prior to any pretrial conference setting, counsel shall
confer to determine if they can agree to submit a jointly prepared pretrial order.
When an agreed pretrial order is submitted to the court prior to the pretrial
conference, counsel may appear at the pretrial conference by conference call by
making prior arrangements between themselves for the placing of the call. The
agreed pretrial order shall cover all relevant matters outlined in Supreme Court
Rule No. 140.
2. Pretrial Questionnaires. In the event counsel cannot agree upon a pretrial order,
they shall prepare and exchange pretrial questionnaires at least 10 days prior to
the scheduled pretrial conference. The questionnaires shall specify all relevant
information contemplated by Supreme Court Rule No. 140.
3. Failure to Appear at Pretrial Conference. If a party fails to appear at a pretrial
conference after notice, an ex parte hearing may be held and an appropriate order
or judgment entered.
Interviewing Experts. When the physician-patient privilege has been waived or does
not exist under the terms of K.S.A. 60-427, lawyers may interview treating physicians
outside the presence of the patient or opposing counsel, providing the physician is
supplied with a written consent by the person holding the privilege or by a qualified
Protective Order of this court that incorporates the applicable provisions of HIPAA (42
U.S.C. 1320d, et seq.) and regulations promulgated pursuant to HIPAA. Lawyers may
not interview any expert witness who has been retained or specially employed by another
party in anticipation of litigation or preparation for trial without consent of counsel or
order of the court.
Voir Dire Examination. Questions asked and answered on juror questionnaires shall not
be unnecessarily repeated by counsel during voir dire examination. Counsel should, so
far as practicable, direct questions to the panel as a whole, avoid unnecessary repetition
of questions, and avoid inquiry about anticipated instructions and the law.
Pleading Judgment Amounts and Interest. When presenting an order of judgment to
the court, the presenting attorney shall set out the amount of the original judgment sum
itself and separately set out the amount claimed as interest on the judgment, particularly
detailing the pre- and post-judgment amounts and the interest rate and time periods that
are claimed to be applicable.
Medical Malpractice Screening Panels.
1. Required Information. Any party filing a request for a malpractice screening
panel shall file with the request:
a. A short statement explaining the basic failures alleged and the nature of the
alleged injury. (That defendant was negligent or deviated from care or duty
generally is not sufficient. There must be some identification of the claimed
injury and some brief statement of the suspected departures from standard
practice.) This statement shall not be binding or limit the plaintiff from other
allegations which become known thereafter.
b. An order signed by counsel and ready for the court’s signature authorizing the
release of medical records, x-rays, etc. to counsel for all named defendants.
(The names of counsel need not be specified as they will be unknown at that
c. A list of all health care providers who have rendered treatment to the plaintiff
within the preceding five (5) years, including all hospitals where plaintiff
received treatment. To the extent possible, full names and addresses shall be
d. The above list shall include the plaintiff’s date of birth.
2. Additional Requirements. Along with the notice convening the screening panel,
the court will provide to the parties copies of all additional documents required to
be filed by these rules, including a certified copy of the order for production of
medical records.
3. Status Conference. On application of any party or of the chairperson, the court
will hold a status conference requiring counsel for the parties and chairperson to
appear to establish a schedule for the submission of records, contentions and the
preliminary conference of the panel.
4. Submission of Affidavits, Opinions and Depositions. Except by agreement of all
parties, no affidavits from the parties, nor any “expert opinions,” nor depositions
taken in the case shall be submitted.
5. Report. The chairperson shall provide a file stamped copy of the opinion of the
panel to counsel for all parties.
Small Claims.
1. Forms of Pleadings. A party to an action filed pursuant to the Small Claims
Procedures Act shall set forth the statement of claim using substantially the same
form prescribed by K.S.A. 61-2713.
2. Signature of Parties. Any pleading or other paper filed by a party in a small
claims action shall be signed by the party filing the same before a person
authorized by law to acknowledge signatures.
3. Responsive Pleadings. Any defendant’s claim shall be filed within such time
before the scheduled trial date as to allow the plaintiff reasonable time and
opportunity to prepare the case as to the defendant’s claim.
4. Case Settings. All small claims cases shall be set on the court’s trial docket as
soon as reasonably possible after filing, allowing proper time for service of
process and in any event no later than 120 days after the original filing date unless
otherwise extended by order of the court.
5. Continuances. Unless by agreement of the parties, continuances of trial settings
of small claims cases shall be for good cause only, or as justice shall demand.
6. Dismissal for Lack of Prosecution. Small claims cases may be dismissed by the
court for want of prosecution from time to time upon such terms and conditions
and notice as the judge shall prescribe.
7. Entry of Appearance by Attorney After Judgment. After judgment has been
entered, an attorney filing an entry of appearance shall send appropriate notice
thereof to the opposing party before appearing on behalf of and/or representing a
party to a small claim action.
8. Appeals. An appeal from any judgment rendered under the Small Claims
Procedures Act may be taken pursuant to K.S.A. 61-2709.
Recovery of Attorney Fees in Bad Check Cases. In cases seeking recovery of attorney
fees pursuant to K.S.A. 60-2610, the court will presume that the sum of $300 shall
constitute a reasonable attorney’s fee in the absence of an affidavit or other evidence
demonstrating, under applicable standards, i.e., Model Rule of Professional
Responsibility 1.5, that a greater amount is required for the award of a reasonable fee in a
specific case.
The entry of judgment stating that reasonable attorney’s fees are being awarded in a
specific amount shall constitute a finding of fact that the amount awarded constituted the
reasonable attorney’s fee in that case under K.S.A. 60-2610(a) and does not constitute a
waiver of all or part of the reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by the plaintiff. If a waiver
of all or part of the fees found by the court to have been reasonable attorney’s fees is
made pursuant to the separate statutory authorization to waive those fees, then the court
will make specific written findings as to the reasons that the amounts separately awarded
as statutory penalties in that case are sufficient to adequately compensate the holder of
the check and, accordingly, to waive all or part of the attorney fees otherwise found by
the court to have been reasonable in that case.
Chapter 61 Appearances.
1. Eviction Actions. When a defendant appears in lieu of answering an eviction
action filed pursuant to K.S.A. 61-3801, et seq., and amendments thereto, the
defendant or defendant’s attorney shall complete and file an Appearance of
Defendant in Eviction Cases form to be supplied by the Clerk substantially as
On this ______ day of ______________, 20__, the defendant, ______________
___________________________________________________(name) appears in person
and/or by attorney ____________________________________________.
Defendant (choose one of the following):
_____ Admits the allegations of the petition. The plaintiff may take judgment without
further notice.
_____ Denies the allegations of the petition and hereby sets out the following Answer
to the petition:
(a) Defendant admits paragraphs numbered ________ of the petition.
(b) Defendant denies paragraphs numbered ________ of the petition.
(c) Defendant specifies the following affirmative facts and defenses upon
which he/she will rely at trial: ___________________________________
This action must be tried within fourteen (14) days. Trial Date:
_________________, 20___ at ________________ __.m.
_______________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Defendant Signature of Defendant’s Attorney
_______________________________ ______________________________
Address of Defendant Address of Defendant’s Attorney
_______________________________ ______________________________
Defendant’s Telephone Number Attorney’s Telephone Number
2. Actions Other Than Eviction. When a defendant appears in lieu of answering any
action filed pursuant to K.S.A. Chapter 61, other than an action for eviction, the
defendant or defendant’s attorney shall complete and file an Appearance of Defendant
form to be provided by the Clerk substantially as follows:
On this _____ day of ___________________, 20__, the defendant,
____________________________(name), appears in person and/or by attorney
Defendant: (Choose one of the following):
_____ Admits the allegations of the petition. The plaintiff may take judgment
without further notice.
_____ Denies the allegations of the petition and requests fourteen (14) additional
days to file an answer or other pleading. If no answer is filed within
fourteen (14) days, plaintiff may take judgment without further notice.
New Answer date is: _________________________________________.
_____ Denies the allegations of the petition and hereby sets out the following
answer to the petition:
(a) Defendant admits paragraphs numbered _____________of the petition.
(b) Defendant denies paragraphs numbered ____________ of the petition.
(c) Defendant specifies the following affirmative facts and defenses upon which
he/she will rely at trial.
______________________________ _____________________________
Signature of Defendant Signature of Defendant’s Attorney
________________________________ _____________________________
Defendant’s Address Attorney’s Address
________________________________ _____________________________
Defendant’s Telephone Number Attorney’s Telephone Number
Uniform Procedure for Extended Jurisdiction Juvenile Prosecution. The basic
procedure for processing extended jurisdiction juvenile prosecutions in this judicial
district pursuant to K.S.A. 38-2347(a)(3) and the mandate of K.S.A. 38-2347(e)(2), are as
1. Any motion filed by the State of Kansas seeking to designate proceedings as an
extended jurisdiction ("EJ") juvenile prosecution shall be filed within thirty (30)
days of the initial filing of charges against the Respondent. A request to file said
motion out-of-time may be granted only for good cause shown.
2. A motion seeking EJ status shall be set for hearing by the court as soon as is
reasonably practicable.
3. Pursuant to K.S.A. 38-2347(b), the State of Kansas shall include, in any motion
seeking EJ status, a statement that the prosecuting attorney will introduce
evidence of the offenses alleged in the complaint and request that, on hearing the
motion and designating the proceedings as an EJ prosecution, the court may make
the finding provided in K.S.A. 22-2902, and the finding that there is no necessity
for further preliminary examination.
4. Any motion seeking EJ status shall identify by name and address all persons who
are to be notified of the hearing pursuant to K.S.A. 38-2347(c). The motion shall
be accompanied by a proposed Order for Hearing for the
Clerk's use in scheduling and providing notice. The Clerk of the District Court
will send notice, by first class mail, of the date, time and place of hearing, to all
persons listed in the motion.
5. The original guardian-ad-litem assigned to the case shall represent the respondent
throughout all stages of the proceedings, including any jury trial proceedings
requested by respondent.
Motions to Suppress. Motions to suppress a statement or evidence of a crime shall be
filed no later than twenty (20) days after arraignment absent a showing of good cause.
1. The method of reporting may be altered in accordance with the risk/needs
2. Reporting requirements may be reduced or eliminated in accordance with
the risk/needs process.
3. Early termination of probation may be requested.
(re-numbered 10/25/19)
Speedy Trial. The responsibility to compute speedy trial lies with the prosecutor.
1. When any criminal case is scheduled for trial or continued for trial, the County
Attorney shall review the speedy trial time elapsed and advise the court forthwith
if the beginning trial date is not within the speedy trial provisions of K.S.A. 22-
2. All other perceived speedy trial problems shall be immediately brought to the
attention of the court by the County Attorney.
(renumbered 10/25/19)
Self-Defense Immunity. A criminal defendant is required to assert any immunity
defense based on self-defense prior to preliminary hearing, so that it may be decided in
conjunction with a preliminary examination at a single evidentiary hearing.
Pretrial Conference and Proposed Jury Instructions. The court may schedule a
pretrial conference in any pending criminal action on application of any party or attorney
or on the court’s own motion. Any pretrial conference shall be held not less than
fourteen (14) days prior to trial. The prosecution and the defendant shall file proposed
jury instructions with the court on or before the date of the pretrial conference.
(renumbered 10/25/19)
Intermediate Probation Violation Sanctions. It is the policy of this judicial district that
the following internal discretionary sanctions and incentives should be considered and
applied to all criminal and traffic cases, where appropriate, for violations of probation
committed by offenders. It is the purpose and intent of this rule to provide motivation for
the offender to bring about positive change in his/her behavior and to avoid, if reasonably
possible, the need to request revocation.
A. Sanctions
1. A verbal warning.
2. Refusal of permission to travel for pleasure.
3. Community service work hours not to exceed 10 hours for each violation.
4. Required participation in mental health or substance abuse evaluation and or
5. Increased reporting and or job search requirements.
6. Imposition of curfew with or without electronic monitoring.
7. House arrest/detention with or without electronic monitoring, up to 30 days
per occurrence.
8. Arrest or detention in emergency situations as authorized by statute or by
order of the court.
Surveillance, with or without electric monitoring, is not considered a sanction and may
be imposed at any time.
B. Incentives
1. The method of reporting may be altered in accordance with the risk/needs
2. Reporting requirements may be reduced or eliminated in accordance with
the risk/needs process.
3. Early termination of probation may be requested.
Termination, Extension or Modification of Probation Procedure. A supervising
officer recommending termination, extension, or modification of probation shall provide
the county attorney a proposed order of such request.
In the event the county attorney rejects or fails to approve the proposed order
within five (5) business days of its delivery, then the supervising officer shall file with the
clerk of the district court a Request to Extend, Modify, or Terminate Probation and
Notice of Filing, with Notice to the County Attorney, setting forth the reasons for such
request with notice that if an objection and request for hearing are filed within fourteen
(14) days by the county attorney, the court may approve the original order.
If an objection and request for hearing is filed by the county attorney, then the
clerk shall schedule the request for hearing on the court’s calendar and the court shall
appoint counsel to represent the defendant at the hearing.
Bail and Appearance Bonds. Any person proposing to write appearance and bail bonds
under the authority or approval of a judge of this judicial district shall submit a written
application to the Chief Judge specifying the following information:
1. The name of the applicant seeking authority;
2. The name of the company or agency, if any, under which the applicant is
employed, working or doing business;
3. The applicant’s business mailing address and street address;
4. The applicant’s business telephone number(s); and
5. The county or counties where approval is sought.
Where applicable, the following additional information shall be provided:
1. The name of insurance company surety;
2. The State of Kansas Insurance Agent's License number; and
3. The surety limits sought.
Individuals proposing to write bonds on behalf of insurance companies shall attach to
the application a certificate of insurance and of their authority to write bonds. Insurance
companies must be authorized to do business in the State of Kansas.
Individuals writing bonds other than on behalf of an insurance company shall attach
to the application a verified financial statement describing the property by which such
surety proposes to justify and the encumbrances thereon, the number and amount of other
bonds and undertakings for bail entered into by such surety and remaining undischarged
and such surety's other liabilities. Individuals shall not write a total of bonds in this
district exceeding $100,000.00 without the express written approval and authority of a
judge of this district.
Certificates of insurance and financial statements shall be renewed annually on April
15 of each year.
Upon compliance with the terms and conditions set out herein, a Certificate of the
authority and qualifications of the individual authorized to write bonds will be issued to
the applicant and to the Sheriff, Clerk of the District Court, and County Attorney in each
county where said individual is authorized to write bonds.
The discretion of the sheriff of any county of this district to accept and approve bonds
pursuant to the authority of K.S.A. 22-2806, amendments thereto, and Kansas Supreme
Court Rule No. 114, or other appropriate authority, shall not be affected by this Rule or
any certificate issued pursuant to the terms of this Order.
(renumbered 10/25/19)
The Eleventh Judicial District has developed the following retention schedule, to allow
destruction of certain records in conjunction with Supreme Court Rule 108 adopted July
1, 2016.
Record Type
Retention Period
3 yrs.
Interviews & Testing
3 yrs.
4 yrs. after
Copies of Vouchers
2 yrs.
Statistics & Extracts
1 yr.
Statistics & Extracts
Caseload Statistics
3 mos.
Statistics & Extracts
Statistic Errors
1 mos.
Statistics & Extracts
DMV Extracts
1 mo.
Marr Lic Worksheet
1 yr.
Cover Sheets
1 yr.
KPC Worksheets
18 mos.
Collection Receipts
6 mos.
BIDS Monthly Rept.
1 yr.
JV Supervision Fee
1 yr.
Dispositive Motion
Monthly Reports
6 mos.
Collection Referral
Monthly Reports
6 mos.
No Filing Bonds
After Bond
Appearance Date
Unclaimed Property
Same as accounting
Chief Judge
ADSAP Reports
1 yr.
Chief Judge
Pro Tem Reports
1 yr.
Chief Judge
Bail Bond Renewal
1 yr.
Jury Revision Sheets
Destroy after data
entered in jury
If panel used, until
appeal process done
If panel not used,
Court Files
See below
Court Files
See below
Court Files
See below
Court Files
Traffic Citations
See below
Court Files
Limited CV; Small
See below
Court Files
Civil/Misc. CV/
See below
Effective January 1, 2017, all Criminal filings, including Juvenile Offender filing, may be
destroyed, if reproduced (imaging). If not reproduced, they shall be retained one hundred
(100) years after the date of filing. This includes both official and social files for
Juvenile Offenders. The reproduced records shall be maintained in accordance with
Supreme Court Rule 108.
Effective January 1, 2017, all CINC filings may be destroyed, if reproduced (imaging). If
not reproduced, both official and social files shall be retained one hundred (100) years
after date of filing. The reproduced records shall be maintained in accordance with
Supreme Court Rule 108.
Effective January 1, 2017, all Probate filings, including Guardianships and
Conservatorships, Trusts, and Adoptions, may be destroyed, if reproduced (imaging). If
not reproduced, they shall be retained indefinitely. The reproduced records shall be
maintained in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 108.
Care and Treatment filings may be destroyed, without reproduction, eighty (80) years
after date of filing. If reproduced (imaged), these filings may be destroyed immediately.
The reproduced records shall be maintained in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 108.
Wills on Deposit must be maintained seventy-five (75) years after year of deposit or year
of filing regardless of if they are sealed or filed under KSA 59-618a.
Effective January 1, 2017, all Traffic Citations shall be scanned (imaged). Paper copies
may be destroyed immediately upon scanning (imaging). If not reproduced, they shall be
retained as set out in Supreme Court Rule 108. In the event a copy of the citation is
needed after the paper copy is destroyed, the scanned copy will suffice.
Fish and Game, and Watercraft Citations shall be scanned (imaged). Paper copies may
be destroyed immediately upon scanning (imaging). If not reproduced, they shall be
retained as set out in Supreme Court Rule 108. In the event a copy of the citation is
needed after the paper copy is destroyed, the scanned copy will suffice.
Effective January 1, 2017, Limited Civil and Small Claims filings shall be scanned
(imaged) upon filing. Paper copies may be destroyed immediately. Limited Civil and
Small Claims filings may be destroyed, without reproduction, ten (10) years from the
date of filing. The reproduced records shall be maintained in accordance with Supreme
Court Rule 108.
Effective January 1, 2017, all Chapter 60 Civil filings may be destroyed if reproduced
(imaged). If not reproduced, retain indefinitely. The reproduced records shall be
maintained in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 108.
Effective January 1, 2017, all Miscellaneous Civil filings shall be scanned (imaged) upon
filing. Paper copies may be destroyed immediately. Miscellaneous civil filings include
but are not limited to: all liens, statutory bonds, appointment of process servers, coroner
reports, state tax warrants. The exception to this is Personal Property Tax Warrant
extracts filed by the County Treasurer. These shall be kept indefinitely. The reproduced
records shall be maintained in accordance with Supreme Court Rule 108.
(renumbered 10/25/19)