Tax Implications of a Farmland Lease
Updated June 1, 2022
The decision to lease farm ground comes
with many choices: cash rent, crop share, or
some combination thereof. Parties to a lease
must understand that each option has distinct
income tax implications. This fact sheet
provides a brief overview of several key tax
considerations associated with farmland
leases, as they apply to individual
Cash Rent Lease
Under a cash rent lease, the farm tenant
generally pays a cash sum (usually on a per
acre basis) to the landlord for the privilege of
renting the farm ground. Rent received by a
landlord under a typical cash rent lease is
rental income, not subject to self-
employment tax.
This means also that the
income will not be credited as net earnings
from self-employment tax.
This means also
that the income will not be credited as net
earnings from self-employment tax.
means also that the income will not be
credited as net earnings from self-
employment for social security eligibility
purposes. Individual cash rent landlords
report their rental income on Schedule E, IRS
Form 1040.
Cash rent landlords are generally not
considered to be in the business of farming
for tax purposes. Consequently, they face
limitations with respect to expenses and
losses they can offset against their income.
Cash rent landlords, for example, do not
qualify for the following tax breaks:
IRC § 179 Expense Deduction
IRC § 175 Deduction for Soil and
Water Conservation Expenses
IRC § 1301 Farm Income
IRC § 6654 Special Rule for
Estimated Tax Payments
This means, for example that cash rent
landlords cannot use Section 179 to
immediately expense the cost of field tile.
They are, however, allowed to depreciate the
cost of the tile over a 15-year period.
Likewise, cash rent landlords are not eligible
to presently deduct the cost of soil and water
conservation improvements, such as
terracing. They must instead capitalize those
expenses (add the cost of the improvement to
the basis of the land).
Cash rent landlords may generally deduct the
cost of ordinary and necessary expenses
relating to the production of the rental
income. These expenses might include taxes,
interest, repairs, insurance, management fees,
agents commissions, and depreciation.
Because rental income, however, is passive
income, cash rent landlords are subject to
special passive loss rules.
This also means
that cash rent income is net investment
income, subject to the 3.8% net investment
income tax for higher income earners.
Crop Share Lease
A crop share lease is generally an
arrangement under which the landlord agrees
to rent the farm ground to the tenant in
exchange for a share of the crop. The tax
treatment of income earned by a landlord
under a crop share lease is largely dependent
upon the landlord’s level of participation in
the farming activities governed by the lease.
If the landlord materially participates under
the lease, any income from the lease is
subject to self-employment tax.
The landlord
will report the income and expenses on
Schedule F, IRS Form 1040. If the landlord
does not materially participate, the income is
not subject to self-employment tax, and the
landlord will report the income and expenses
on IRS Form 4835. Any net income or loss
will be carried to Schedule E, IRS Form
A landlord materially participates in a lease if
(A) the landlord has an arrangement with the
tenant requiring the landlord to materially
participate in the production of the
management of the production of the
commodities AND (B) the landlord meets
one or more of the following four tests:
Test 1: The landlord does at least three of the
Pays, using cash or credit, at least half
the direct costs of producing the crop.
Furnishes at least half the tools and
equipment used in the production
Advises or consults with the tenant.
Inspects the production activities
Test 2: Regularly and frequently makes, or
takes an important part in making,
management decisions substantially
contributing to or affecting the success of the
Test 3: Works 100 hours or more spread over
a period of 5 weeks or more in activities
connected with agricultural production.
Test 4: Does things that, considered in their
totality, show that the landlord is materially
and significantly involved in the production
of the farm commodities.
Unlike cash rent landlords, crop share
landlords, whether or not they materially
participate under the lease, may be eligible
for the following tax breaks:
IRC § 179 Expense Deduction (watch
for noncorporate lessor rule)
IRC § 175 Deduction for Soil and
Water Conservation Expenses
IRC § 1301 Farm Income Averaging
IRC § 6654 Special Rule for
Estimated Tax Payments
Non-materially participating crop share
landlords are generally subject to the passive
loss rules in the same manner as cash rent
landlords. Their income may also be subject
to the net investment income tax.
Section 199A Deduction
In 2018, the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act introduced
a 20 percent deduction for qualified
business income arising from a qualified
trade or business. Determining whether
rental income qualifies for the deduction
must be determined on a case-by-case basis,
depending upon the facts.
In general, IRS regulations state that a
landlord must meet two definitional
requirements for an activity to rise to the level
of a trade or business:
Good faith intention to make a profit
Considerable, regular, and
continuous activity
Relevant factors include, but are not limited
to, (i) the type of rented property (commercial
real property vs. residential property), (ii) the
number of properties rented, (iii) the owners
agents day-to-day involvement, (iv) the
types and significance of any ancillary
services provided under the lease, and (v) the
terms of the lease (net lease v. traditional,
short-term v. long-term).
In general, a cash rent lease under which the
landlord merely collects a check will not
qualify as a trade or business so as to qualify
the income for the deduction. Many crop
share leases, however, will. Landlords with
questions should consult with a tax
1 This fact sheet is for educational purposes only.
Landowners are encouraged to discuss specific
rental arrangements with a trusted tax advisor.
For more detailed information on this and other
topics, please visit The tax
implications of farm lease arrangements
involving business entities is beyond the scope of
this fact sheet, as is the impact of leasing
arrangements on valuation of property at death.
2 It is possible for a landlord and tenant to enter
into a cash lease under which the landlord is to
“materially participate.”
These types of leases are very rare, but would
require the landlord to pay self-employment tax
on the rental income. 3 Generally, passive losses
may be used to offset only passive income.
Passive losses, may, however, be applied against
ordinary income in an amount up to $25,000 if
the landlord “actively participated” in the rental
activity. This special allowance begins to phase
out when adjusted gross income is greater than
$100,000. It should also be noted that IRS
regulations recharacterize rental income from
land where less than 30 percent of the
unadjusted basis of the property is depreciable
as non-passive income. This means that passive
losses from other activities cannot be offset by
farm rental income. Any loss from the farm
rental activity, however, remains passive. Treas.
Reg. 1.469-2T(f)(3).
4 “Net earnings from self-employment” is
defined by Treas. Reg. § 1.1402(a)-1 as “gross
income derived by an individual from any trade
or business carried on by such individual, less the
deductions attributable to such trade or